The Web is the 21st Century version of TV, Radio, Cinema, Newspapers, Magazines, Flyers, Billboards, etc etc all combined onto one platform that fits in the palm of one’s hand. Never before has an individual, company or organization had the potential to reach a worldwide audience for so little investment. Therefore, your advertising and publicity dollars should be focused on your website and your social media footprint. And there is no more powerful tool to get eyeballs and clicks on the web than video. Some examples of how Dreamcatcher Media can increase your web visibility:
“About Us” video for your Home Page: Tell your company’s or organization’s story through an effective, concise video to educate and excite potential customers and clients.
“Testimonial Videos”: Word-of-Mouth advertising is the most effective and cheapest form of advertising. An actual quote from a client, customer, or patient is effective but does not convey the emotion, excitement, and sincerity of seeing that person tout your business on video. We can capture multiple testimonials on a single day…enough to create a new page on your website and to keep your social media fresh by constantly updating with new testimonials.
“How-To” Instructional Videos: Have a new product or process to tell the world about? Show your customers how it works so they will be excited to buy it.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Answer you website’s visitors’ questions by actually showing them the answers with short videos.
“Before” & “After” Video Morphs: A picture is worth a thousand words but a video is priceless. If you are a plastic or reconstructive surgeon, dietitian, personal trainer, or any other professional whose business is based on physical results you probably are already using “Before” and “After” photos in your marketing. Elevate your “Before” and “After” photos by bringing them to life by showing potential clients the actual transformation. Keep your social media pages fresh by posting a new Before & After morph on a regular basis.
Contact us to discuss a custom plan to help you increase your web presence through the powerful use of video.